Tips for Choosing a Party Dress - ArroJada Mix - Dicas de Beleza, Moda, Casamento e Mais
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Tips for Choosing a Party Dress

Por 06 junho

Tips for Choosing a Party Dress
Hey guys, let's talk about party dresses?

Tips for Choosing a Party Dress

You received an invitation to a party and at that moment your first thought is: how am I going to choose the right look for this moment? We have separated some tips to help you not make mistakes when choosing your perfect prom dresses:

Think about the type of party

One of the first things to think about is the style of the party or dance. Some invitations already specify the type of clothing that should be used, in others you can see the type of party by the style of the invitation, by the location of the party and this makes your choice easier.
The party style determines what type of outfit you choose. Black tie parties and balls call for formal clothes, smoky or tailcoat, women go in long, formal, hairstyle. On the other hand, social parties ask for social clothes, however, a little less formal, such as suits and long dresses, while informal parties can be blazers without a tie, long dresses with prints.

What is the party time?

Day and night parties ask for different looks, colors, models and styles may vary according to the time. Daytime parties can use lighter colors and fabrics, with fluidity. At night parties, you can bet on thicker fabrics, with plenty of shine and details.
Tips for Choosing a Party Dress
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Tips for Choosing a Party Dress
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Think about your body and your style

Don't ignore your own style and your body, if you don't like dresses, look for models of pants or overalls that are more formal. Whether you like cleavage or not, glitter, more discreet things or prom dresses with split.
Also think about your body, knowing your biotype is important not only for party looks, but in life in general.
Some clothes favor or disguise certain parts of the body, such as who has fuller breasts, who is taller, wider shoulders, larger hips, and so on.
You shouldn't ignore your body type, people with wider shoulders are good to avoid clothes with a lot of detail on the top.
So, know your strengths and weaknesses so you don't make a mistake in choosing the model.
Tips for Choosing a Party Dress
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Tips for Choosing a Party Dress
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Something that fits the budget

Do not forget to consider your budget, after all, as party dresses have more noble fabrics and therefore a higher value. Choose a store that offers quality and affordable price.
If possible, choose models that you can use in other events or that you can renovate.

Did you like the tips? Tell me what your next party will be?

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